Friday, March 13, 2020

Congratulations to Ashar in Ms. Sparling's class for reading all 10 Silver Birch books as part of the Forest Reading Program. 

The library will be open for book exchange periods 1 to 6 today!

Happy Reading!!

Mindfulness Matters Group for Grade 3/4/5 meet today !!

Students in the 'Mindfulness Matter's' Group, please come down to the Library with your lunches at the start of the 2nd Nutrition Break.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Grade Eight Graduation Pictures

A reminder to our Grade Eight students that we have our Graduation pictures on Monday March 23rd. That is the first Monday after the spring break. Please set a reminder for yourselves!
The Library Learning Commons will be closed to students working in small groups and for book exchange periods 4 and 5 today.  The reading program will be held those periods due to a change in Tuffy's schedule.

Thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Congratulations to Jason and Aaran for reading all 10 books in the Silver Birch Fiction in the Forest of Reading Program!!!

Just a reminder that if you have books signed out from any levels of the Forest of Reading, come to library periods 1 to 6 to exchange them as many readers are waiting for books.

Have a great day and don't forget to drop everything and read!!!

Social Skills Group for Grade 3/4/5 meet today !!

All students in the Social Skills Group, please come to the STAC Room during the beginning of 

the 2nd  Nutrition Break.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

On Sunday, March 8th the world celebrated International Women's Day!  

International Women's Day is a celebration of the social, political and economic achievements of women past, present and future.

Stop by the library this week to see some fabulous books on women who have made a difference!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Congratulations to Ikraam and Lisa from Ms. Sparling's class for reading all 10 books from the Silver Birch for the Forest of Reading Program!  Way to go!

Don't forget that you can switch books any time between periods 1 and 6.  Also, books should only be borrowed for 7-10 days as many readers are waiting for books to be returned.

Thanks and have fun reading!!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Mindful Moment

Happy Friday Eldorado!  Over the weekend, try and take some time to practice your Mindfulness.  Take a few minutes each day to do your deep breathing and clear your mind.  This can help you to feel more calm and relaxed. 
Image result for mindful moment
Enjoy your Mindful Moment!

'Mindfulness Matters' for Grade 3/4/5 today !!

Students in the 'Mindfulness Matter's' Group, please come down to the Library with your lunches at the start of the 2nd Nutrition Break.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Congratulations to Ayaan in Ms. Monague's class for reading all 10 books in the Silver Birch Fiction for the Forest of Reading!

Social Skills Group meet today

All students in the Social Skills Group, please come to the STAC Room during the beginning of the 2nd  Nutrition Break.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

French Award Winners

If you did not have your photo taken for February's French award, please come to the French office at the start of 2nd NB today (Tuesday). Merci!

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Monday, March 2, 2020

February French Award Winners

Can all February French award winners please meet today (Monday) in front of the French office at the start of 2nd nutrition break.  Merci!
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