Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bullying Awareness and Prevention

Did you know...
1 in 10 Canadian online teens say they have experienced online bullying on social networking sites.
More than 1/3 of Canadian teens with a profile have seen mean or inappropriate comments about someone they know.
14% say they have seen mean or inappropriate comments about themselves on social networks.
90% of Canadians would support a law that would make it illegal to use any electronic means to coerce, intimidate, harass or cause other substantial emotional distress.

What do we need to know about online hate?
Harassing messages, posts and photos can be distributed quickly to a very wide audience and can be extremely difficult to delete once they've been sent or posted.
Because cyberbullying happens online, bullies may not witness first-hand the pain they're causing
Sharing hateful messages ('liking' a post or passing it on) becomes part of the problem NOT the solution
When you see online hate: do not share, block & report it immediately.

You belong here. Hate doesn’t. How will YOU #chooseACTION to stop hate?

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