Monday, September 23, 2019

Golden Eagles!!

Do you love to dance?? 

If you're in Grades 4-8, this is your opportunity to join 
Eldorado's Golden Eagles Dance team!!  

Ms.Bakrania and Ms. Cabral will be hosting dance auditions 
this week and next week.

How can you audition? Easy!  

1. Go to the gym bulletin board (outside the Gym) and take an audition sheet.
2. Create and practice a 2 minute dance routine.
3. Sign up for an audition time outside the Gym.
4. Come to your audition to showcase your talent with your audition sheet!

Where are the auditions?

On the stage :-)

** Any Latin Eagles from last year that are interested in joining must fill out a form, but DO NOT need to audition. 

On your sheet please include that you were a Latin Eagles dancer.  Ask your teacher to place your audition sheet into Ms.Bakrania's mailbox, or drop off your sheet to Portable 2. Thank you!

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